- Desert Mountain Lake — An Introduction to Fill

In a recent update to turtleSpaces, we added the ability to create arbitrary shapes, using the beginfill and endfill primitives.
To create a shape, you simply declare beginfill, draw out its borders and then declare endfill. If the lines do not cross each other, then the shape should be created.
For example:
beginfill forward 50 right 90 forward ...
- Logo and the Language Microworld

Logo isn’t just all about the turtles! When Logo was first being developed, there were no graphical displays — output was simple text on teletypes, which printed out interactions with the computer on paper. When the developers of Logo went into classrooms to test out their invention on students, all they had were teletypes.
As a ...
- Project Idea: How to Code a Hangman-style game in Logo

You can open this project in the web-based IDE environment by following this link: https://turtlespaces.org/weblogo/?pub=122
Due to Logo’s enhanced string-handling capabilities and built-in dictionary, making Hangman-style games in turtleSpaces is easy-peasy!
The mechanics of a Hangman game are simple: the computer chooses a word, and then the player chooses letters. If the letters they choose are in ...
- Logo Game Design Introduction: Downhill Skiing

Downhill Skiing exercises Logo’s list handling capabilities and leverages turtleSpaces 3D functionality to create an engaging yet simple game.
Once loaded, click the flag icon to start.
Click here to open this project in the web IDE.
Herein lies a wonderful introduction to game development in turtleSpaces. The game mechanic behind downhill is simple: the player travels down ...
- Alpine Trees: an Introduction to Terrain

turtleSpaces new terrain functionality provides some great opportunities for simple coding examples with few lines of Logo code, in this case less than 30.
First, we need to introduce the setterrain primitive. setterrain creates ‘terrain’ or a contiguous object of varying elevation.
The above is an example of the object created by setterrain. The setterrain primitive takes ...
- Tutorial: Fancy a game of darts?

Consider the below game of ‘pub darts’:
You can open it in our Javascript-based IDE by clicking here
If you hover over the various primitives in the editor, a popup will tell you what they do.
The game consists of three main parts: the dartboard, the darts and the game itself.
The dartboard is constructed primarily using the ringarc ...
- A Starry turtleSpaces Logo Introduction Part Three: Starwarp Improvements

In the previous episode, we created a progressively-generated starfield we moved through with the camera turtle, creating a cool flying-through-space effect.
But it has a few issues we should address. Firstly, it is possible for a star to end up flying through the windscreen of our spaceship! Which is cool, but looks a bit strange. Second, ...
- A Starry turtleSpaces Logo Introduction Part Two: Starwarp

In this second part of our introduction to turtleSpaces Logo, we’re going to take the stars we made in the first part, and create a ‘rolling’ starfield we are going to move through using the camera turtle, to create a Star Trek-style warp effect.
To create this effect, the drawing turtle, Myrtle, is going to create ...
- A Starry turtleSpaces Logo Introduction Part One: Starfield

Traditional Logo had new users build a house as an introduction, but due to turtleSpaces’ 3D nature, starfields are much more impressive, so we’ll start there.
Click and drag the window above to see all the stars!
Cool huh? First, we’re going to create this simple starfield that wraps around the camera position.
We’ll start by creating the ...
- How to create and 3D print a chess pawn in turtleSpaces Logo

First, open the weblogo.
Then, click in the bottom right REPL area
Create the ‘head’ of the pawn using the ico primitive
cs penup ico 20
If you start the line with a cs, you can use the up arrow to go back to the line after adding each command (and seeing the result) to edit what you’ve done ...
- A Fully Commented turtleSpaces Logo Listing of PONG

When I was a kid I had a home PONG machine, one of those that was sold through a department store (in this case Sears) in the late 1970s, which my Dad bought from a garage sale for $5. It was black and white, and the paddles were controlled by knobs on the front of ...
- An Introduction to Logo Movement with Myrtle the Turtle
This catchy song introduces the turtleSpaces Logo movement primitives.
This animation was made inside turtleSpaces, and demonstrates its ability to create animated content.
You can use screen capture software such as ScreenFlow or the built-in SAVEWEBM primitive to export a recording of the screen, and then sync it to your music.
You can also load music in OGG ...
- A Guide to 3D Printing Using turtleSpaces
This guide is in development
Turtle Pen:
In the 3D turtleSpaces environment, pen sizes greater than 1 create cylinders.
setpensize 20
There is also a square pen style more suitable for 3D printing flat objects called mark. To activate it, type:
setpenstyle “mark
mark is two-dimensional by default. But you can increase its depth by setting pendepth using:
setpendepth 20
Valid shapes:
Shapes must ...
- Tutorial #1: Simple Tree

These procedures draw a simple tree in a classic Logo lined style, and a forest of these trees. First, let’s take a look at the tree procedure as a whole.
TO tree :scale
slideleft 8.25 * :scale
forward 20 * :scale
repeat 4 [
slideleft (10 * (5 - repcount)) ...