Floaty Turtle: A Flappy Bird clone in Logo
Floaty Turtle is a simple clone of Flappy Bird written in the Logo programming language that turtleSpaces uses.
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NEWTURTLE "myrtle TO floaty ;here is yet another example of a relatively complex ;game that can be rather simply implemented in Logo: ;a flappy bird clone! ;to make it work we use two turtles, one is the player ;and the other creates, moves and erases the pipes ;these are two seperate 'workers' or threads ;this procedure kicks off the game, displays a title ;screen, and then manages the player, processing ;input and moving the player appropriately ;the pipemaker turtle and its pipes procedure ;manages the pipes and checks for collisions ;the turtle does not move horizontally, ;instead the pipes do! reset cleartext setbackgroundcolor pick [6 7 14 5 10 11 14 15] ;select a random background color from the given list noaudiowait ;don't wait for audio to finish playing setmodel [penup back 7 stamp "myrtle] ;we need to offset Myrtle's actual position more ;toward her center for the purposes of this game setmodelscale 5 ;make myrtle big! playsound "doodoo ;startup sound pipemaker:newworker [pipes] ;'kicks off' the pipemaker turtle, who ;creates and moves the pipes ;create the title screen: penup randomfillcolor slideleft 180 forward 5 settypesize 60 pushturtle ;'push' the turtle's state (position etc) on ;to a stack, from which it can be 'popped' ;off later typeset "Floaty popturtle ;restore the previously pushed state back 100 randfc ;short for randomfillcolor pushturtle typeset "Turtle popturtle bk 10 sr 70 ;back and slideright settypesize 10 randfc typeset |Press any key to float!| ;title screen complete! home dn 90 rt 90 ;down and right make "raise 0 ;the :raise container holds the current ;value remaining to float Myrtle upwards forever [ if loopcount = 1 [say "Ready!] if loopcount = 16 [say "Set!] if loopcount = 31 [say "Go!] ;the loopcount is the number of times the forever ;loop has executed. Based on that count, say the ;appropriate ready set go component if divisorp 100 loopcount [ ;every 100 loops pick a random background setbg pick [6 7 14 5 10 11 14 15] ;from the given list ] ;setbg short for setbackground dosleep [50] [ ;try to maintain an average of 50ms to do ;the following: if loopcount > 30 [ ;if the loopcount is greater than 30: if :raise = 0 [ ;if the value inside the :raise container ;is 0, then lower the turtle 2.5 turtle-units: lower 2.5 ] [ ;otherwise raise the turtle 2.5 turtle-units ;and decrease the value inside the :raise ;container by 2.5 raise 2.5 make "raise :raise - 2.5 ] if keyp [ ;if a key is pressed, play a sound, ;remove the key from the keyboard buffer ;and increase the value of the :raise ;container by 20: playsound "air clearchar make "raise :raise + 20 ] clean ;remove the turtle's 'track' -- it's not ;drawing or creating anything so we don't ;need to have it piling up ] ] ] END
NEWTURTLE "pipemaker TO pipes ;the pipemaker turtle's job is to ;create the pipes, shift them to the left ;and check if they've hit the turtle clearscreen noaudiowait penup home slideright 250 back 120 up 90 ;position the turtle appropriately for ;creating the pipes offscreen to the right begintag "move endtag ;this tag is used to shift the pipes, ;by replacing its contents with an ever- ;increasing slideleft directive make "height 100 ;this is the starting height of the pipes make "heights [0 0 0 0 0] ;initialize an 'zeroes' list of pipe heights make "score 0 make "count 0 ;initialize the score and the pipe count settypesize 20 ;set the type size. Type is the text you ;create inside the 3D world forever [ ;do this forever: sleep [50] ;try to do this stuff in an average of ;50ms -- less or more as needed to keep ;that average: if divisorp 20 loopcount [ ;every 20 loops: inc "count ;increase the contents of the :count container ;by one if loopcount > 60 [ ;if the loopcount is greater than 60: playsound "clang inc "score say :score ;make a sound, increment :score and say it ] slideright 100 begintag loopcount ;create a new 'tag' for the pipe ;so we can remove it after it passes the ;left side of the screen randomfillshade ;select a random fill shade make "col 1 + random 5 ;select a random number and put it in :col setfillcolor item :col [12 9 7 6 11 14 10 13] ;set that color based on :col's index in the ;provided list make "height :height + (-60 + random 120) ;increase or decrease :height based on a ;random number if :height < 20 [make "height 30 + random 20] if :height > 120 [make "height 110 - random 20] ;if too high or low, pick a new value higher ;or lower as needed queue :height "heights ;add the new height to the list of heights ;create the lower pipe: cylinder 20 :height 50 lower :height setfillcolor item :col [4 8 6 2 1 12 5 3] ;select the complementary color for the pipe cylinder 25 20 50 lower 50 ;type the pipe number: down 90 right 90 back 10 if :count > 9 [bk 10] inscribe :count if :count > 9 [fd 10] forward 10 left 90 up 90 ;if gameplay is too slow, comment out ;the above five lines ;create the upper pipe: lower 50 ;remember, the turtle is upside down! cylinder 25 20 50 lower 20 setfillcolor item :col [12 9 7 6 11 14 10 13] cylinder 20 120 - ypos 50 raise :height + 120 endtag ;close the pipe 'tag' if loopcount > 119 [erasetag loopcount - 100] ;erase the pipe that has left the screen ignore pop "heights ;remove its height from the :heights container ;and just throw it away (ignore it) ] if loopcount > 60 [ ;check for crash: if (or myrtle:ypos > (-120 + (90 + item 3 :heights)) myrtle:ypos < (-120 + (20 + item 3 :heights)) ;the third item in the :heights list is the ;height of the pipe around where the turtle ;is, so we can use that to see if we've hit ;anything ) [ (print |Crash! Final Score: | :score) print |Press flag icon to play again!| calm "myrtle myrtle:run [setfillcolor 1 icosphere 30] ;red ball audiowait playsound "crack playsound "aw myrtle:clean ;gets rid of the red ball noaudiowait playsound "fall say |too bad| myrtle:repeat 90 [ forward 3 lower 3 wait 1 ] ;fall to the ground audiowait playsound "crash finish ;that's all folks ] ] replacetag "move [slideleft loopcount * 5] ;increase the value of the slideleft ;command in the move tag, shifting the ;pipes to the left ] ;and that's it! Not really much code, is it? END