Example: Fly Me to the Moon
Let’s make a rocket ship kind of like the Saturn V used in the moon landings!
TO rocket ;step [rocket] ;uncomment step line above to 'step through' ;building the rocket. You will need to call ;rocket twice clearscreen penup up 90 setfillcolor red cone 10 30 12 ;create the nose cone ;cone takes three parameters: ;radius, depth (or height) and sides ;So in this case, a radius of 10 turtle ;units, a depth of 30 turtle units, and ;12 sides. ;the cone is created under the turtle down 180 ;flip over setfillcolor white cylinder 10 50 12 ;create the body ;cylinder takes three parameters: ;radius, depth and sides, like cone ;the cylinder is created under the turtle ;similarly to cone lower 50 ;lowers the turtle, like as if going ;down in an elevator ;same as: down 90 forward 50 up 90 setfillcolor blue cutcone 10 15 20 12 ;create the base ;cutcone creates a truncated cone ;cutcone takes four parameters: ;near radius, far radius, depth and sides ;like cone, the cut cone is created under ;the turtle ;begin APOLLO inscription up 90 raise 11 ;going up! (like in an elevator) settypedepth 5 settypesize 6 slideright 3 ;same as right 90 forward 3 left 90 inscribe | APOLLO| ;incribe prints text in front of the turtle ;without moving it. ;compare with typeset which prints to the right ;and moves the turtle. slideleft 3 ;same as left 90 forward 3 right 90 lower 11 ;going down! down 90 ;not the same as lower, which lowers ;down tilts the turtle down ;end of APOLLO inscription ;begin fins: lower 20 up 90 setfillcolor grey twosided ;light both sides of surfaces rat 40 lat 40 ;create a triangle to the right, ;(Right Angle Triangle = rat) ;and a triangle to the left ;(Left-facing right Angle Triangle = lat) rollright 90 setfillcolor lightblue rat 40 lat 40 rollleft 90 down 90 ;end fins ;begin rockets forward 8 setfillcolor yellow cylinder 5 5 10 back 16 cylinder 5 5 10 forward 8 slideleft 8 cylinder 5 5 10 slideright 16 cylinder 5 5 10 ;end rockets ;begin fire setfillcolor orange lower 5 cutcone 3 2 3 10 slideleft 16 cutcone 3 2 3 10 slideright 8 forward 8 cutcone 3 2 3 10 back 16 cutcone 3 2 3 10 ;end fire END