Example: My Gosh, It’s Full of Stars!

Open in turtleSpaces IDE
Run starscape to create a galaxy of randomly-shaped and colored stars.

TO star :radius :points :size :filled
  ;takes number number number boolean (true or false)
  ;eg star 10 9 40 false
  ;or star 20 5 50 true
  pu dropanchor tether
  ;pull up the turtle pen, drop the 'anchor' to set the 'anchor point' to the current position, and do not change it if the turtle's rotation changes (tether)
  ;the anchor point is the point the orbit primitives orbit around
  if :filled [polyspot :radius :points * 2
    if oddp :points [rt 360 / :points / 4]]
  ;if creating a filled star, create a polygon to fill in the center
  ;if the star has an odd number of points, we need to turn a little
  pullout :radius
  ;pull out from the anchor point, which is currently the turtle's position
  repeat :points [
    ;repeat once for each point:
    pu make "position position
    ;set the :position container to the current turtle position
    orbitleft 360 / :points / 2
    ;orbit around the anchor point (in this case the center) to the left
    ;a fraction of 360 degrees divided by the number of points divided by 2
    pullout :size
    ;pull the turtle out from the center of the star (anchor point)
    setvectors direction :position
    ;point the turtle toward the previous position
    if not :filled [pd line distance position :position]
    ;if not making a filled star, create a line in front of the turtle of
    ;the length required for its end to be the previous turtle position.
    if :filled [frag]
    ;if creating a filled star, create a 'fragment' based on the last three
    ;turtle positions
    pu make "position position
    ;set the :position container to the current position
    pullin :size
    ;pull the turtle in toward the center of the star (anchor point)
    orbitleft 360 / :points / 2
    ;orbit to the left again a similar amound to the last orbitleft
    setvectors direction :position
    ;point toward the previous position
    if not :filled [pd line distance position :position]
    ;create a line if not a filled star similarly to the previous line
    if :filled [frag]
    ;create a fragment if a filled star similarly to the previous frag

TO starscape
  reset ht snappy:setposition [0 0 0] snappy:dropanchor repeat 200 [pu home randvec fd 1000 + random 1000 up 90 snappy:setvectors direction myrtle:position randfc randpc randps randfs star 10 + random 100 3 + random 20 10 + random 90 randbool]

One-a-Day: FRAG

The FRAG primitive creates a filled shape out of the current turtle position and her last two positions. For example:

FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 FRAG

will create a triangle.

While turtleSpaces has a variety of shape primitives, sometimes you need to create an arbitrary shape, and FRAG aids you in this.

Take this example, which draws a star:

TO star
  repeat 4 [
    forward 100
    right 170
    forward 86
    left 70
    forward 86
    right 170
    forward 100
    right 180

We can change the number of sides the star has by changing the number of repeats and fiddling with the values a bit:

TO star2
  repeat 5 [
    fd 100 rt 170
    fd 86 frag
    lt 88 fd 86
    rt 170 fd 100
    frag rt 180

First, let’s change our star procedures so they can take a :size parameter, like so:

TO star1 :size
  repeat 4 [
    fd 100 * :size
    rt 170
    fd 86 * :size
    lt 70
    fd 86 * :size
    rt 170
    fd 100 * :size
    rt 180

In this case, :size is a ratio, that is, 0.5 will make a star half the size, and 2 will make a star twice the size of the default.

You can change the color of the star using the SETFILLCOLOR primitive, or set a random fill color with RANDFC.

The following procedures create a sky full of stars:

TO star1 :size
  repeat 4 [
    fd 100 * :size
    rt 170
    fd 86 * :size
    lt 70
    fd 86 * :size
    rt 170
    fd 100 * :size
    rt 180

TO star2 :size
  repeat 5 [fd 100 * :size rt 170 fd 86 * :size frag lt 88 fd 86 * :size rt 170 fd 100 * :size frag rt 180]

TO star3 :size
  repeat 6 [fd 100 * :size rt 170 fd 86 * :size frag lt 100 fd 86 * :size rt 170 fd 100 * :size frag rt 180]

TO star4 :size
  repeat 7 [fd 100 * :size rt 170 fd 86 * :size frag lt 108.625 fd 86 * :size rt 170 fd 100 * :size frag rt 180]

TO star5 :size
  repeat 8 [fd 100 * :size rt 170 fd 86 * :size frag lt 115 fd 86 * :size rt 170 fd 100 * :size frag rt 180]

TO stars
  reset cam:setposition [0 0 0]
  cam:fixate [0 0 0]
  cam:setviewpoint [0 0 0]
  cam:newworker [forever [up 0.1 lt 0.1 rr 0.1 wait 1]]
  repeat 200 [
    pu home randori fd 400 + random 1000 up 90
    lt random 60 pd randpc randfc randfs randps
    make "size (10 + random 90) / 100
    run {pick [star1 star2 star3 star4 star5] :size}

Type STARS and press Enter to see the stars!

FRAG’s sister, SHARD creates a three-dimensional FRAG with depth beneath it. This depth is supplied as a parameter, in turtle-units, eg. SHARD 5. Try replacing FRAG with SHARD 5 in one of your star procedures and see what happens! (You’ll need to drag the camera around to see the sides of the star)