

Takes:   none

Returns:   none

A colon : indicates a container, with the name of the word following the colon. turtleSpaces ‘resolves’ a :container ‘tag’ into the value of that container when an instruction is executed, such that if the value of :container is 5, then forward :container becomes ‘resolved’ to forward 5, before the instruction is executed.

show :container


Takes:   expression | expression

Returns:   none

Assigns the value of the second expression to the container name resolved by the first expression. See make for more details

So, for example, "frog := 5 puts the value 5 in the container named frog. However, :frog := 5 puts the value of 5 in the container named whatever is inside the container named frog.

"frog := "duck
:frog = 5
show :duck


Takes:   name or [list]

Returns:   none

Buries the provided container names.

buryname "container


Takes:   database (word)

Returns:   none

Clears the given database. Unlike erasedatabase, the database is still defined. See newdatabase

cleardatabase "mydb


Takes:   dictionary (word)

Returns:   none

Clears the given dictionary. Unlike erasedictionary, the dictionary is still defined. See enter, lookup, newdictionary, erasedictionary, dictionary, dictionaryp, copydictionary, savedictionary, loaddictionary

cleardictionary "mydict


Takes:   source | destination

Returns:   none

Copies a database with the name source to another database with the name destination. See database, newdatabase

copydatabase "from "to


Takes:   source | destination

Returns:   none

Copies a dictionary with the name source to another dictionary with the name destination. See dictionary, newdictionary

copydictionary "from "to


Takes:   databasename (word)

Returns:   contents

Outputs a list containing the contents of the specified database in the format [key1 [container1 [values] container2 [values]…] key2…] See newdatabase

show database "mydb


Takes:   container

Returns:   item

Similar to pop, except removes the item from the end of the list. See pop

show dequeue "container


Takes:   dictionary (word)

Returns:   list

Returns a list containing the contents of the given dictionary. See enter, lookup, erasedictionary, cleardictionary, newdictionary, dictionaryp, copydictionary, savedictionary, loaddictionary

show dictionary "mydict


Takes:   containername (word)

Returns:   none

Inserts a make statement into the prompt containing the specified container name and its contents for editing.

edn "container


Takes:   containername(s) (list)

Returns:   none

Opens the editor with a list of the provided containers and their contents, which are updated when the editor is exited.

edns [container1 container2]


Takes:   dictionary (name) | key (name) | value (word or list)

Returns:   none

Associates the given value with the given key in the given dictionary. See newdictionary, lookup, erasedictionary, cleardictionary, dictionary, dictionaryp, copydictionary, savedictionary, loaddictionary

enter "mydict "stooges [moe larry curly]
enter "mydict "ducks 5


Takes:   database (word)

Returns:   none

Erases the given database. Unlike cleardatabase, the database is no longer defined. See newdatabase

erasedatabase "mydb


Takes:   dictionary (word)

Returns:   none

Erases the given dictionary. Unlike cleardictionary, the dictionary is no longer defined. See enter, lookup, newdictionary, cleardictionary, dictionary, dictionaryp, copydictionary, savedictionary, loaddictionary

erasedictionary "mydict


Takes:   container (word)

Returns:   none

Erases the named local container. See local

erase "localcontainer

erasename ern

Takes:   container (word)

Returns:   none

Erases the name off of a specified container (unallocating it), and empties its contents.

erasename "mycontainer

erasenames erns

Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Erases the names off of all the containers held by the turtle that calls it, and empties their contents



Takes:   container (word)

Returns:   none

Erases the named private container. See private

eraseprivate "privatecontainer


Takes:   container (word)

Returns:   none

Erases the specified shared container.

eraseshare "sharedcontainer


Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Erases all shared containers and their contents.


Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Erases all property lists.



Takes:   surname | container

Returns:   value

Returns the value of the specified container under the given surname. See setsurname, set

show get "jones "car


Takes:   containername (word)

Returns:   none

Marks a specified container as a global container, one that is accessible by all procedures inside of a turtle. global converts any local or private container at the same level. To make a container accessible by multiple turtles, see share. To make a container accessible only inside a particular procedure see local and private.

global "mycontainer


Takes:   name | property

Returns:   value

Returns the value of the property in the named property list. See plist

show gprop "john "phone


Takes:   anything

Returns:   anything

in simply passes whatever is passed to it. It is useful in two main contexts: first, to improve the readability of the make alternative put, as in put 5 in “container; second, to retrieve the value of another turtle’s container using query, as in query “myrtle [in :container].

pr query speedy [in :suspensions]


Takes:   name (word)

Returns:   none

Increments the contents of the named container by one. Has no effect if the value of the container is not a number.

show "container
inc "container
show "container


Takes:   container (name)

Returns:   none

Travels back down the stack of procedures to find an instance of a container of the given name, and then creates a pointer to it at the local container level in the current procedure. This means that changes to this container will also change at the parent level.

inherit "mycontainer


Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Lists the calling turtle’s global variables



Takes:   word or list

Returns:   none

Changes the scope of the container(s) specified by the supplied word or list to local – that is, they are only accessible by the current procedure, and only while it is executing. To preserve the state of the container when the procedure is not executing, use private. See make

local "container
local [container1 container2]


Takes:   dictionary (name) | key (name)

Returns:   value(s)

Returns the values associated with the specified key within the specified dictionary. See enter, newdictionary, erasedictionary, cleardictionary, dictionary, dictionaryp, copydictionary, savedictionary, loaddictionary

show lookup "mydict "ducks


Takes:   name (word) | word, list, evaluated-list, expression or number

Returns:   names (list) | list of words, numbers or lists


Make creates a container (also known as a container) with the name specified by the first parameter, containing the item(s) specified or generated by the second parameter. It also works with lists of both the former and the latter (see examples), but if you want to assign the returns from advisers you will need to use a softlist {}. See name and put

make "container 5
print container

make "container [dog pig cow]
show "container
[dog pig cow]

make [ducks frogs pigs] [4 3 1]
show :ducks
show :frogs

make [x y z] {xpos ypos zpos}


Takes:   name (word) | expression

Returns:   Contains a runtime-evaluated expression, or ‘mutated’ container. This allow expressions to be stored inside containers, and rather than being evaluated when stored, they are evaluated when recalled. A container that contains a REX may only contain a single REX and nothing else. See also name! and put!

make! “moo iterate (array 1 + random 10) [“moo]

pr :moo

make! "clock (se hours minutes seconds)
pr :clock


Takes:   number, word, longword, list, expression or container | name (word)

Returns:   none

An alternative to make. Traditionally used for constants, eg name 3.14 “pi. See make, put

name 3.14 "pi


Takes:   expression | name (word)

Returns:   none

Creates a mutated container, one whose expression is re-evaluated whenever it is accessed. See make!

name! (se hours minutes seconds) "clock


Takes:   none

Returns:   list

Returns a list of the defined containers (their names).

show names

newdatabase newdb

Takes:   name (word)

Returns:   none

Creates a new database. Databases store keys and containers. For more information, see store, retrieve. See also savedatabase, loaddatabase

newdatabase "animals


Takes:   name (word)

Returns:   none

Creates a special type of container called a dictionary. Dictionaries contain a list of ‘name value pairs’ – a series of containers. See enter, lookup, erasedictionary, cleardictionary, dictionary, dictionaryp, copydictionary, savedictionary, loaddictionary

newdictionary "mydict


Takes:   propertylistname (word)

Returns:   propertylist (list)

Outputs the property list associated with the supplied name. Any word can have a property list associated with it – a list of ‘properties’ and their values. plist returns a list of these pairs sequentially: [property1 value1 property2 value2 etc.] See pprop

show plist "propertylist


Takes:   container(s) (word or list)

Returns:   none

Prints out the name and value of the named container(s)

pon "container


Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Prints out the names and values of every container in the workspace.



Takes:   container

Returns:   item

‘Pops’ the item at the front of the container and returns it, removing it from the contained word or list. Equivalent to: make “pop first :list make “list butfirst :list

See push

make "result pop "pushlist


Takes:   name | property | value

Returns:   none

Property lists are a special type of container that hold multiple property / value pairs. You can have a property list and a non-property list container with the same name.

pprop "addresses [Marty McFly] [9303 Lyon Drive, Lyon Estates, Hill Valley CA 95420]


Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Prints the property list containers belonging to the calling turtle.



Takes:   word

Returns:   none

Initialises a private container with the name provided. A private container is a container which only exists and whose value persists inside of a procedure. This allows you to construct a procedure that modifies and stores internal parameters without losing them when that procedure exits, and needing to store them in the turtle. See the examples.

TO test
if not namep "frog [private "frog make "frog 1 stop]
inc "frog
show :frog

TO test :switch
private "var
if :switch = "a [make "var 1]
if :switch = "b [inc "var show :var]


Takes:   input (number, word, longword, list, primitive or container) | in | name (word)

Returns:   none

Another syntax for make used by some Logos. ‘in’ is a simple prmitive that forwards whatever is passed to it. See in

put 5 in "counter


Takes:   expression | in | name (word)

Returns:   See make!

put! (se hours minutes seconds) in “clock


Takes:   item | container

Returns:   none

“Pushes” the item on to the front of the specified container, making it the first item, and pushing the rest of the items to the right. If the container contains a word, push pushes the item on to the start of the word. If the container contains a list, push pushes the item on to the front of the list. To pull the item out of the container, use pop. Also see queue and dequeue (which do similar but to the end of the container).

push "frog "animals


Takes:   item | container

Returns:   none

Similar to push, except adds the provided item to the end of the container, appending it to the word or list inside it. See push

queue "item "container


Takes:   name | property

Returns:   none

Removes the given property from the named property list.

remprop "proplist "property


Takes:   oldname | newname

Returns:   Renames a container.

rename “oldname “newname


Takes:   database (word) | key (word)

Returns:   none

Restores the values of the containers stored in the given database under the given key using the store primitive. For example, if you stored the containers :ducks and :pigs under the key “animals, then retrieving “animals would restore the values of :ducks and :pigs to the values they had when they are stored. See newdatabase, store

retrieve "farm "livestock
(show :pigs :ducks :cows)


Takes:   surname | container | value

Returns:   none

Sets the contents of the named container in the named surname to the provided value. See setsurname, surname, get

set "jones "car "camry


Takes:   turtle (word) | container (word) | value (word, number, list or boolean)

Returns:   none

Changes the contents of the container held by the specified turtle to the specified value. Technically bad form, but sometimes necessary.

setvar "myrtle "container 50


Takes:   “name

Returns:   none

Indicates that the container “name should be shared amongst all turtles.

share "lives


Takes:   none

Returns:   list

Returns a list of all the currently shared containers.

show shares


Takes:   database (name) | key (name) | container (name) OR [container1 container2…] (list)

Returns:   none

Inserts or updates a record in a database with the key name. Store stores container names and their contents, which can be restored later using the retrieve primitive. See newdatabase, retrieve

newdatabase "farm
make "pigs 5 make "cows 2 make "ducks 12
store "farm "livestock [pigs cows ducks]


Takes:   none

Returns:   namespace (word)

Returns the surname of the current container (name) space. The default surname is ‘default’. See setsurname.

print surname


Takes:   container1 (word) | container2 (word)

Returns:   none

Exchanges the contents of two containers. Note that the name of the container is specified as a word, eg “container. See make

swap "container1 "container2


Takes:   containername (word) or [containername]

Returns:   output

Returns the contents of (the ‘thing’ in) the calling turtle’s global (or local / private if input parameter given as a list) container of the provided container name. A longhand way of invoking the shortcut :container

show thing in "mycontainer
make "mycontainer thing in "mycontainer + 5


Takes:   word or list

Returns:   none

Unburies the container(s) named in its input. See bury

unburyname "container


Takes:   name (word) or names (list)

Returns:   none

Unlike eraseshare which erases the share and its container, unshare changes the share back into a ‘global’ (turtle-internal) container.

unshare "container