Creating Animated Videos Using turtleSpaces

The above animation was created inside turtleSpaces, and then exported as a webm video file using the savewebm primitive. I then used Final Cut Pro to add the audio and the titles.

The Logo code used to create the animation is fairly straightforward. The turtle moves in an arc outwards from the center, creating arcs around it and generating the pattern. The location and sizes of the arcs depends on the current loop iterations. Graphics rendering is suspended while each ‘frame’ is created, after which the code renders the frame and pauses to ensure the user sees it, then continues on.

It runs much faster via the desktop application than in the web version, so you may need to adjust it to slow it down. Tinker with it! Play around. It’s the best way to learn.

TO arcflower3d

  ;the above line forces full-screen display. This is needed
  ;with savewebm, because the video capture routine uses the
  ;webgl canvas, and so whatever resolution it displays at
  ;is the resolution the video file will be. Uncomment it if
  ;saving video


  setpw 2

  ;savewebm 260
  ;uncomment the above line to record video

  repeat 3600 [
    ;suspend rendering graphical output

    repeat 128 [
      setpc 1 + remainder repcount 15
      ;set the pencolor to the remainder of a modulus
      ;of the current loop count (repcount)


      rarc 0.1 * repabove 1 repcount
      ;move in an arc trajectory to the right
      ;based on the current repcount and the 
      ;repcount of the loop above (repabove)

      rr 0.1

      dn 0.1

      arc 90 repcount
      ;create a 90 degree arc based on the current

    ;resume rendering

    ;wait until one frame is rendered



An Introduction to Logo Movement with Myrtle the Turtle

This catchy song introduces the turtleSpaces Logo movement primitives.

This animation was made inside turtleSpaces, and demonstrates its ability to create animated content.

You can use screen capture software such as ScreenFlow or the built-in SAVEWEBM primitive to export a recording of the screen, and then sync it to your music.

You can also load music in OGG format into turtleSpaces and then work on synchronizing your animation with it in realtime using the SLEEP and WAIT primitives. This animation was done that way. Keep in mind that the animation may play back at different speeds on different computers unless you use the TIME primitive to keep everything locked to timing points!

It took around three hours to create the animation in this video using the Logo programming language. The captions are done by creating a turtle (I named “caption”) and then directing it to create the captions using the CONTROL primitive, eg control “caption [typeset |And I ORBIT all round…|]