Activity Idea: Gone Fishin’

Build this cool island scene using turtleSpaces Logo and a few basic shapes!

First we begin with a tree. We can build a trunk using a repeat loop of cylinders that get narrower in diameter and longer as we go. We can introduce a slight curve as well by tilting the turtle up a bit each cylinder we create:

Next we need to create the leaves, which we can do using the fiso (filled triangle) primitive. We can use a repeat loop to create a series of triangles growing in size, and then a second repeat loop to create a further series of triangles shrinking in size. In both cases, we tilt the turtle down a bit each triangle we create:

Then we can use a further wrapping repeat loop to create 8 of them around the trunk:

Let’s add six coconuts to the top of the tree using another repeat loop and icospheroids:

But one tree is kind of lonely, so let’s create a ring of eight around the edge of the island using the orbitleft primitive. We can also make the island more mound-like using a domoid:

Let’s add a dock Myrtle can fish off of made out of cylinders and voxeloids:

And a hut to shelter in made out of made out of a cutsphereslice and a sphereslice:

Myrtle’s all set, let’s get her fishing! The fishing rod is created using a thick line and a thin line:

The sunset effect is created using an inverted gradient tube:

Good job, Myrtle! You can check out the island yourself at

Just click the flag to create the island. Don’t forget that you can click and drag on the viewport to move the camera, use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out, rotate using the right button and drag, and click both buttons and drag to pan.

Check out the code to see how it’s done! Then try something similar yourself. What will your island look like? Share it so we can see for ourselves!

Solar System Simulation

This Solar System simulation features the ability to add orbiting moons to the planets, a few of which are already defined. It is not entirely to scale (the planets are larger than they are in reality).

Use the scrollwheel or finger-scroll to zoom in and out, and drag the mouse to rotate around the sun!

TO solarsystem
  cam:pullin 100
  ;pull in the camera turtle
  ;make a starfield in the distance:
  setfillcolor 5
  repeat 200 [
    home randomvectors
    forward 2500 + random 100
    up 90
    spot 1 + random 5
  ;define planetary parameter lists:
  make "distance [0 39 72 100 152 520 953 1918 3006 3953]
  ;the distance of the planets from the sun in 100ths of an AU
  ;The first value is the sun itself, which is at the home position
  make "size [100 3 7.5 7.9 4.2 88.7 74.6 32.6 30.2 1.41]
  ;the planets are in scale relative to each other but not the sun,
  ;which is much larger than the value we have given it here
  make "color [13 8 9 7 1 14 11 7 2 10]
  ;each planet's color (and the sun)
  make "tilt [0 7 3.3 0 1.85 1.31 2.49 0.77 1.77 17.14]
  ;ecliptical tilt
  make "speed [0 4.1 1.62 1 0.53 0.084 0.034 0.011 0.006 0.004]
  ;speed of orbit
  ;define moons:
  make "moon [0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0]
  ;how many moons?
  make "mooncolor [[][][][5][8 9][][][][][]]
  make "moondistance [[][][][3][2 3][][][][][]]
  make "moonsize [[][][][2.1][1.12 0.62][][][][][]]
  make "moontilt [[][][][0][1 2][][][][][]]
  make "moonspeed [[][][][30][40 30][][][][][]]
  ;moon parameters, similar to planets
  ;only earth and mars are populated here,
  ;add the others as you like!
  ;create the sun and planets:
  repeat 10 [
    make "planet repcount
    ;store the current planet for use inside hatch
    newmodel repcount {"setfc item :planet :color "ico 0.1 * item :planet :size}
    ;create a new turtle model using the data from the :color and :size lists
    ;we use a 'soft list' {} to create 'hard data' for use by newmodel
    ;as the turtle model is rendered each frame
    hatch [
      ;create a new hatchling
      setmodel :planet
      ;set the turtle model
      ;set the orbit (anchor) point to the current position
      pullout 0.5 * item :planet :distance
      ;pull away from the anchor the distance specified in the :distance list
      orbitright random 360
      ;orbit around a random amount
      orbitup item :planet :tilt
      ;orbit up (tilt) the amount specified in the :tilt list
      ;hatchlings are not visible by default
      if 0 < item :planet :moon [ ;are there any moons? foreach "moon item :planet :mooncolor [ ;for each moon, let's create it the same way we did planets: make "moonnumber loopcount make "moonmodel word :planet loopcount newmodel :moonmodel {"setfc :moon "ico 0.1 * item :moonnumber item :planet :moonsize} make "parent turtle ;define the 'parent' turtle for use by the moon hatchling hatch [ ;hatch the moon setmodel :moonmodel dropanchor right random 360 pullout item :moonnumber item :planet :moondistance orbitup item :moonnumber item :planet :moontilt showturtle forever [ fixate query :parent [position] ;keep 'fixated' (look at and set the anchor point to) ;the parent turtle's position. if orbitdistance > item :moonnumber item :planet :moondistance [
                pullin orbitdistance - (item :moonnumber item :planet :moondistance)
              ;if it's getting away from us, try and catch up!
              orbitright 0.1 * item :moonnumber item :planet :moonspeed
              ;orbit the planet based on the :moonspeed
              sleep 6.25
              ;take a little nap
      forever [
        orbitright 0.05 * item :planet :speed
        sleep 25
      ;orbit the sun (we're back to the planet now) based on the value
      ;from the :speed list. Then take a little nap (wait 1)
  ;hide Myrtle, although she would be sitting in the sun