Filled triangles
TO tree
clearscreen penup
setpos [0 80] setfillcolor 4
repeat 6 [
setfillshade -6 + 3 * repcount
;repcount returns the current iteration
back 4 * repcount
fiso 8 * repcount 5 * repcount
;fiso = filled iso triangle
lower 0.1
setfillcolor 8 setfillshade 5
back 50 slideleft 10
quad 20 50
‘Tents’ – fiso prisms
TO tree3d
cs pu setpos [0 80]
;cs = clearscreen
;pu = penup
setfc 4
;setfc = setfillcolor
repeat 6 [
setfs -6 + 3 * repcount
;setfs = setfillshade
bk 4 * repcount
;bk = back
tent 8 * repcount 5 * repcount 10
lo 0.1
;lo = lower
setfc 8 setfs 5
bk 50 sl 10
;sl = slideleft
voxeloid 20 50 10
;voxeloids are stretched cubes
TO conetree
cs pu setpos [0 80]
setfc 4 up 90
repeat 6 [
setfs -6 + 3 * repcount
ra 4 * repcount
cone 8 * repcount 5 * repcount 20
setfc 8 setfs 5 ra 50
cylinder 8 50 20
Pyramids (5-sided ‘cones’)
TO pyramidtree
cs pu setpos [0 80]
setfc 4 up 90
repeat 6 [
setfs -6 + 3 * repcount ra 4 * repcount
cone 8 * repcount 5 * repcount 4
;while there is also a pyramid primitive, you can
;also create a pyramid by creating a 4-sided cone
setfc 8 setfs 5 ra 50
cylinder 8 50 4
4-sided cones
TO tetratree
cs pu setpos [0 80] setfc 4 up 90
repeat 6 [setfs -6 + 3 * repcount
ra 4 * repcount
cone 8 * repcount 5 * repcount 3]
setfc 8 setfs 5 ra 50
cylinder 8 50 3