sound and music


Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Advances (and plays) one line of a currently paused music track. You can use advancemusic to programmatically control the tempo of a song (typically inside a worker), to speed it up or slow it down as required.



Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Turns on attenuation of the calling turtle’s sound output. See setattenuation, noattenuate



Takes:   none

Returns:   number

Returns the attenuation value, which is 0.3 by default. This value affects all turtles that attenuate. See setattenutation, attenuate

show attenuation


Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Causes toot, noise, playnotes and playsound to ‘block’ or hold up turtle execution while they play. See noaudiowait



Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Triggers the system beep.



Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Clears all music from memory.



Takes:   musicname (word)

Returns:   none

Clears the specified song (music) from memory.

clearsong "mymusic


Takes:   soundname (word)

Returns:   none

Clears the specified sound from memory.

clearsound "mysound


Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Clears all user-defined sounds from memory.



Takes:   soundname (word) | filename (word) or URL (word)

Returns:   none

Loads the given sound filename or URL into the given sound definition. A provided URL must have pipes around it (longword). turtleSpaces uses the ‘ogg’ file format. See playsound

loadsound "honk "honk.ogg


Takes:   word

Returns:   none

Repeatedly plays the sound indicated by the provided word. Does not respect audiowait. Stop it with stopsound. See stopsound

loopsound "sheep


Takes:   none

Returns:   list

Returns a list of the currently loaded music.

show music


Takes:   none

Returns:   number

Returns the current music speed.

show musicspeed


Takes:   none

Returns:   number

Returns the calling turtle’s music volume.

show musicvolume


Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Causes the calling turtle not to wait while TOOT, PLAYNOTES, PLAYSOUND and NOISE are played.



Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Disables audio attenuation for the calling turtle. See attenuate



Takes:   frequency (number) | duration (number)

Returns:   none

Generates noise output of the specified frequency, and duration in 60ths of a second. See toot

noise 2000 100


Takes:   none

Returns:   number

Returns the current channel used to play notes by the playnotes primitive. See setnoteschannel

show noteschannel


Takes:   none

Returns:   number

Returns the current speed of playnotes playback.

show notespeed


Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Pauses playback of music, if music is playing. See resumemusic



Takes:   notes [list]

Returns:   none

Plays back the provided list of notes. L specifies note length (0 = 16th note, 1 = 8th, 2 = dotted 8th, quarter, dotted quarter, half, dotted half, whole, dotted whole and double whole respectively.) R denotes a rest of the specified length, while Vxx sets the volume of subsequent notes. All notes and commands MUST be in uppercase, eg A3, due to the use of lowercase b to denote flats (eg Bb). If a list of notes is provided inside of the list supplied to playnotes, those notes are played simultanously, as a chord.

playnotes [L3 A3 L2 Bb3 C#3]
playnotes [L3 [C3 E3 G3] C4]


Takes:   musicname (word)

Returns:   none

Begins playing the named music. The music needs to have first been loaded into memory using loadmusic. Tracker music is currently unsupported in the web environment. However, if a sound name is provided in the form of a list, playmusic will play and loop that instead, and pausemusic and stopmusic can be used to control it. See loadmusic, loadsound

playmusic "mysong
playmusic [mysound]


Takes:   “sound (word)

Returns:   none

Plays a sound, where “sound can be a loaded sound or a ‘built-in’ one from the list given in the example. playsound respects audiowait, which means execution is paused while the sound plays if audiowait is set, which it is by default. To turn audiowait off, use noaudiowait

air crack laugh stapler
air2 crash laughter static
air3 crinkle lid step
alarm crow lightbulb step2
alarm2 descent lion switch
alien dice meow switch2
alien2 doh missile tear
alien3 doodoo oof thwap
applause door paddle tiger
arcade drip pew ting
augh drop pingpong ting2
aw dunk plastic tinpan
bark evil plastic2 tires
beep explosion please toaster
beep2 fall pong tuee
beep3 fire pop tweet
beep4 fire2 powerup ufo
bell ghost radio ufo2
bell2 glass ratchet ufo3
blastoff glitch rattle ufo4
blub gong rattle2 ufo5
boing growl rattle3 ufo6
bong gun ringring warning
buc gun2 rocket whip
button gun3 rooster whip2
buzz gurgle saw whoosh
candy ha scanner wind
carkeys hangup scissors wind2
carstart hangup2 sheep window
cellphone hit sheep2 witch
cheers honk sheep3 wood
chomp honk2 slap wrapper
clang interference slide zap
click jingle sneeze zap2
click2 knock soda zap3
click3 laser spin zblrf
close latch spinout zip
cluck latch2 squeak zipper


Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Stops playback of all sounds from all turtles. This doesn’t mute auto playback in general, only stops the currently playing sounds.



Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Resumes paused music playback.



Takes:   word or list

Returns:   none

Causes the operating systems speech-synthesis (if available) to speak the given word or list. Note that this may not be available on some systems, and should not be used as a primary means of communicating with the user. say does not respect audiowait and will continue to execute without waiting for audio to finish

say "hello


Takes:   number

Returns:   none

Default is 0.3. When a sound is played, the distance between the emitter and receiver (view turtle) is multiplied by the attenuation value to calculate the resultant volume of the sound at the receiver. Basically this makes sounds quieter the farther away the view turtle is from the turtle making the sound. This is a global setting that affects all turtles. See attenuation, attenuate



Takes:   word

Returns:   none

Sets the system beep to the sound named by the provided word. See beep

setbeep "sheep


Takes:   instrumentfile (word)

Returns:   none

Loads an instrument file (saved from tracker) for use with playnotes. See tracker, playnotes

setinstrument "xylophone.snd


Takes:   speed (number)

Returns:   none

Sets the speed of music playback.

setmusicspeed 128


Takes:   percent (number)

Returns:   none

Sets the volume (amplitude) of music playback using a value from 0 to 100.

setmusicvolume 50


Takes:   number

Returns:   none

Sets the music channel to be used to play back notes with playnotes

setnoteschannel 1


Takes:   speed (number)

Returns:   none

Sets the speed of note playback.

setnotespeed 128


Takes:   volume (number)

Returns:   none

Sets the volume of digital and analog sound playback using a range of 0 to 100, where 0 is off and 100 is full. This is turtle-specific. See setmusicvolume

setsoundvolume 50


Takes:   number

Returns:   none

Sets the ‘squelch’ value, sounds with a(n attenuated) volume under that specified value will not be sent to the audio engine for processing (they will not play.) There are a limited number of audio channels for sounds, and squelch will prevent them from being filled up with barely audible sounds. Squelch is a global setting that affects all turtles in all spaces. See squelch

setsquelch 50


Takes:   volume (number)

Returns:   none

Sets the overall volume level, taking a value from 0 (off) to 100 (full).

setvolume 50


Takes:   none

Returns:   list

Returns all of the currently defined sounds. See loadsound, playsound

show sounds


Takes:   none

Returns:   number

Returns the current sound volume.

show soundvolume


Takes:   none

Returns:   number

Returns the ‘squelch’ value, the volume level sounds under which are not played. See setsquelch

show squelch


Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Stops music playback. See playmusic



Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Stops any sounds currently being played by the calling turtle, including loopsound. See playsound, loopsound


toot tone

Takes:   frequency (number) | duration (number)

Returns:   none


Toot generates a tone of the provided frequency (specified in Hertz) and duration (in 60ths of a second). The alias 'tone' is included for compatibility with other Logos.

to siren :freq
if :freq > 440 [stop]
toot :freq 3
siren :freq + 5
toot :freq 3


Takes:   none

Returns:   none

Opens the ‘tracker’, a music editor. turtleSpaces supports creation and playback of 6-channel waveform-generated music. See the help file available inside the tracker



Takes:   none

Returns:   number

Returns the current ‘master’ volume.

show volume