Category Logo Programming Examples

Example: Tetris written in turtleSpaces Logo

What do Steve Wozniak and George H.W. Bush have in common? They’ve both been seriously into Tetris! But who can blame them? The object of the game (as if you didn’t know) is to complete horizontal lines using falling shapes of various configurations. When you finish a line, it disappears, causing the rest of the blocks to fall down a line. However, if you stack up shapes to the point they overflow the top of the playfield: Game Over. When you finish a certain number of lines, the level ends… and in the next, the shapes fall faster, and you need to complete more lines! The insanity never ends.

In an era where games were becoming increasingly more complex, the simplicity of Tetris was seen as a breath of fresh air. Tetris would inspire a number of other “falling block puzzle games” such as Sega’s colour-matching Columns, and the three-dimensional Welltris. But Tetris would always remain king (tsar?) of the arcade puzzle game world, with sequelsclones and variations being released for virtually every console, computer, and operating system worldwide.

A little history

Alexey Pajitnov’s Tetris – early unauthorised versions of which, such as Spectrum Holobyte’s rendition described above, began appearing on home computers in 1987 – spawned a whole new generation of shape-based puzzle games.

Holobyte’s version took next year’s CES by a storm, and garnered the attention of the Soviet government, who held the rights to the game. They sold the arcade rights to Atari and the console rights to Nintendo.

Nintendo released Tetris on both its Nintendo Entertainment System and on the Game Boy, the latter as a pack-in with the portable console. The inclusion of Tetris arguably made the Game Boy a success –the game was perfect for smaller screen sizes, and was very addictive, spawning a whole generation of Tetris ‘junkies’. 

Nintendo’s version of Tetris for the NES was criticised for not having a two-player mode; however, Atari Games, perhaps mistakenly believing their arcade licensing gave them the right to release a console version, came out with their own Nintendo Tetris game through their Tengen subsidiary (created after the consumer rights to the Atari name were sold to Jack Tramiel, see Point & Click) which featured head-to-head play.

Nintendo sued, and Tengen was eventually forced to withdraw its cartridge from sale, after selling around 100,000 copies. They are collectibles.

All right, so let’s take a look at the listing. The first thing you’ll notice is that it’s very monolithic, there’s only one procedure! That’s okay, though, in this context. While Logo is very versatile, sometimes aspects of that versatility such as the use of multiple procedures are unneeded.

You can also view the example inside of turtleSpaces webLogo by clicking File -> Browse Published… after it finishes loading and selecting the Tetris project.

In this example, we handle most of the structure using dountil and switch / case — dountil loops its contents until a condition is true, while switch takes a value from a container (variable) and then case compares the value it is given with the switch, and executes its list if that condition is true.

The game procedure begins with some basic initialization, such as creating the table we will use to note the finishing positions of the pieces, draws the border around the playfield and then proceeds into the main ‘run loop’, the dountil :gamover which loops until the gameover container is set to true.

Inside the dountil loop we choose the next Tetris piece to play, set a random fill color, set the starting position for the piece based on its characteristics (we don’t want it overlapping the edges or starting ‘over the top’) and ensure that the new piece doesn’t overlap an existing piece (if so, game over!)

If it doesn’t, we continue into the dountil :dropped loop, which runs until the piece has fully ‘dropped’ into its final position. We use a switch statement and case statements to run the logic relevant to the current piece. For readability I decided to make each orientation of a piece its own piece — while this means there are a lot more ‘pieces’ than if I had handled variants (rotations) using the same chunks of code, these are simpler to understand than they would have been had they had all of these conditionals in them dependent on the orientation of the piece.

Also, you can hand each orientation of a new piece off to a student to complete, which could make for an interesting group project. A number of pieces have not been implemented in this example, which could be implemented by your students, based off of the pieces that have been implemented.

Inside each piece subroutine we check for a keypress, then act if there was a keypress, checking to see if the action (moving left, right, or ‘rotating’ (switching to another orientation)) would collide with an existing piece or the edges before performing the action.

Then we draw the piece, and delay. There is a ‘drop key’ that sets the delay to zero for the remainder of the piece’s time in play. Then we see if we’ve ‘landed’ either on another piece or on the bottom, by checking the appropriate cells in the table. If so, we set the :dropped container to true, so that we will ‘drop out’ of the dountil loop, and we set our current piece’s occupied cells in the table. We only bother to set these when the piece has finished moving because there is no point in setting them while it’s dropping.

If we haven’t landed, we turn off rendering (so things don’t flicker) and ‘backtrack’ the necessary number of steps to ‘undo’ the drawing of the piece. Since turtleSpaces graphics are made out of 3D shapes, we can’t just erase a particular area, we have to erase or backtrack part of the turtle track — the list of objects the turtle has created.

You could also use tags to do the same thing, wrapping the piece in a tag, and then erasing the tag. turtleSpaces is versatile!

If the current piece has ‘dropped’ we then check to see if we’ve filled in any lines. To do this we sequentially run horizontally through each row in the table, checking each column, and adding to a counter each time a column has a value in it. If we count up to 10, we have a full row, and we erase it by copying the contents of all of the above rows down one row, clearing the top row when we are done. We add one to a score counter, and inform the user of their success.

The game then continues until the :gameover dountil condition is met, at which point it terminates.

TO game
  penup hideturtle
  ;create table to hold tetris piece placement information:
  newtable "board [10 21]
  ;draw playfield border:
  setpos [-60 -110]
  voxeloid 10 210 10
  voxeloid 120 10 10
  setpos [50 -110]
  voxeloid 10 210 10
  make "gameover false
  make "score 0
  dountil :gameover [
    ;pick random piece:
    make "piece pick [square hline vline hzed vzed hess vess]
    ;the logic is easier to implement if each orientation of a shape
    ;is its own piece. While this means implementing a lot of pieces
    ;to make a full Tetris game, it avoids cumbersome if statements
    ;TODO: tee0 tee90 tee180 tee270 -- T shapes
    ;TODO: jay0 jay90 jay180 jay270 -- J shapes
    ;TODO: elle0 elle90 elle180 elle270 -- L shapes
    ;MAYBE: crowbar corkscrew rightangle cshape?
    show :piece
    ;choose random starting placement based on the piece.
    ;We need to make sure the piece is fully in the playfield
    ;and doesn't overlap any edges:
    if :piece = "square [make "y 1 make "x 1 + random 9]
    if :piece = "hline [make "y 0 make "x 1 + random 7]
    if :piece = "vline [make "y 3 make "x 1 + random 10]
    if :piece = "hzed [make "y 0 make "x 1 + random 8]
    if :piece = "vzed [make "y 2 make "x 1 + random 8]
    if :piece = "hess [make "y 1 make "x 1 + random 8]
    if :piece = "vess [make "y 2 make "x 2 + random 9]
    ;check if the area selected for the new piece is already
    ;occupied by another piece, if so then game over:
    if :piece = "square [
      if (or not emptyp cell "board {:x :y}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y + 1}) [make "gameover true]]
    if :piece = "hline [
      if (or not emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y + 1}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y + 1}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x + 3 :y + 1}) [make "gameover true]]
    if :piece = "vline [
      if (or not emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x :y}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x :y - 1}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x :y - 2}) [make "gameover true]]
    if :piece = "hzed [
      if (or not emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y + 1}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y + 2}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y + 2}) [make "gameover true]]
    if :piece = "vzed [
      if (or not emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x :y}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y - 1}) [make "gameover true]]
    if :piece = "hess [
      if (or not emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y + 1}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y}) [make "gameover true]]
    if :piece = "vess [
      if (or not emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x :y}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y}
      not emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y - 1}) [make "gameover true]]
    make "dropped false
    ;boolean to indicate the piece has 'landed'
    make "speed 10
    ;the speed at which the pieces 'fall'
    dountil :dropped [
      ;repeat the following until :dropped is true
      switch "piece
      ;based on the value of the "piece container, execute one
      ;of the following case statements:
      case "square [
        make "y :y + 1
        ;increment "y
        if keyp [
          make "key readchar
          if :key = "j [
            if :x > 1 [
              if (and emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y}
              emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y - 1}) [dec "x]]]
          if :key = "k [
            if :x < 9 [ if (and emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y} emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y - 1}) [inc "x]]] if :key = "m [make "speed 0] clearchar ] ;we check to see if a key has been pressed, and ;if it has, then we see if it's one of the keys ;we respond to, and then we respond to them IF ;moving the piece will not collide with already ;existing pieces. m sets the speed to 0 and causes ;it to drop as quickly as possible ;clearchar clears the keyboard buffer sety 100 - :y * 10 setx -60 + :x * 10 voxeloid 20 20 10 ;sets the turtle's position and draws the shape if :speed > 0 [trackrender]
        ;don't render if the shape is 'dropping'
        ;(eg we pressed the m key)
        wait :speed
        ;delay in 60ths of a second, so 10 is 1/6th of a second
        ;check to see if we've landed on another piece,
        ;or hit the bottom, and then enter the piece position
        ;into the table:
        if (or :y = 20
        not emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}
        not emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y + 1}) [
          setcell "board {:x :y} fc
          setcell "board {:x + 1 :y} fc
          setcell "board {:x :y - 1} fc
          setcell "board {:x + 1 :y - 1} fc
          make "dropped true
          ;set dropped to true so we continue to the
          ;line check routine
        ;if we haven't 'landed' then turn off rendering,
        ;and 'undo' the drawing of the piece in preparation
        ;for the next move:
        else [notrackrender backtrack]
      ;that's it for this piece, on to the next!
      ;As the pieces get more complex, so does the logic
      ;needed to position and move them
      case "hline [
        make "y :y + 1
        if keyp [
          make "key readchar
          if :key = "j [
            if :x > 1 [
              if emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y} [dec "x]]]
          if :key = "k [
            if :x < 7 [ if emptyp cell "board {:x + 4 :y} [inc "x]]] if :key = "i [ if :y > 3 [make "piece "vline]]
          if :key = "m [make "speed 0]
        sety 100 - :y * 10 setx -60 + :x * 10
        voxeloid 40 10 10
        if :speed > 0 [trackrender]
        wait :speed
        if (or :y = 20
        not emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}
        not emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y + 1}
        not emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y + 1}
        not emptyp cell "board {:x + 3 :y + 1}) [
          setcell "board {:x :y} fc
          setcell "board {:x + 1 :y} fc
          setcell "board {:x + 2 :y} fc
          setcell "board {:x + 3 :y} fc
          make "dropped true
        else [notrackrender bt]
      case "vline [
        make "y :y + 1
        if keyp [
          make "key readchar
          if :key = "j [
            if :x > 1 [
              if (and emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y}
              emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y - 1}
              emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y - 2}
              emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y - 3}) [dec "x]]]
          if :key = "k [
            if :x < 10 [
              if (and emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y}
              emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y - 1}
              emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y - 2}
              emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y - 3}) [inc "x]]]
          if :key = "i [
            if :x < 8 [ if (and emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y + 1} emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y + 1} emptyp cell "board {:x + 3 :y + 1}) [make "piece "hline]]] if :key = "m [make "speed 0] clearchar ] sety 100 - :y * 10 setx -60 + :x * 10 voxeloid 10 40 10 if :speed > 0 [trackrender]
        wait :speed
        if (or :y = 20 not emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}) [
          setcell "board {:x :y} fc
          setcell "board {:x :y - 1} fc
          setcell "board {:x :y - 2} fc
          setcell "board {:x :y - 3} fc
          make "dropped true
        else [notrackrender bt]
      case "hzed [
        make "y :y + 1
        if keyp [
          make "key readchar
          if :key = "j [
            if :x > 1 [
              if (and emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y}
              emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}) [dec "x]]]
          if :key = "k [
            if :x < 8 [if (and emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y} emptyp cell "board {:x + 3 :y + 1}) [inc "x]]] if :key = "i [if :x > 1 [if (and
              emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y}
              emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y - 1})
              [make "piece "vzed]]]
          if :key = "m [make "speed 0]
        sety 100 - :y * 10 setx -60 + :x * 10
        voxeloid 20 10 10 bk 10 sr 10 voxeloid 20 10 10
        if :speed > 0 [trackrender]
        wait :speed
        if (or :y = 19 not emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}
        not emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y + 2}
        not emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y + 2}) [
          setcell "board {:x :y} fc
          setcell "board {:x + 1 :y} fc
          setcell "board {:x + 1 :y + 1} fc
          setcell "board {:x + 2 :y + 1} fc
          make "dropped true
        else [notrackrender repeat 4 [bt]]
      case "vzed [
        make "y :y + 1
        if keyp [
          make "key readchar
          if :key = "j [
            if :x > 1 [
              if (and emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y}
              emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y - 1}
              emptyp cell "board {:x :y - 2}) [dec "x]]]
          if :key = "k [
            if :x < 9 [ if (and emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y} emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y - 1} emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y - 2}) [inc "x]]] if :key = "i [ if (and :y > 2 :x < 9 :y < 19) [ if (and emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y + 1} emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y + 2} emptyp cell "board {:x + 3 :y + 2}) [ make "piece "hzed]]] if :key = "m [make "speed 0] clearchar ] sety 100 - :y * 10 setx -60 + :x * 10 voxeloid 10 20 10 fd 10 sr 10 voxeloid 10 20 10 if :speed > 0 [trackrender]
        wait :speed
        if (or :y = 20
        not emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}
        not emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y}) [
          setcell "board {:x :y} fc
          setcell "board {:x :y - 1} fc
          setcell "board {:x + 1 :y - 1} fc
          setcell "board {:x + 1 :y - 2} fc
          make "dropped true
        else [notrackrender repeat 4 [bt]]
      case "hess [
        make "y :y + 1
        if keyp [
          make "key readchar
          if :key = "j [
            if :x > 1 [
              if (and emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y}
              emptyp cell "board {:x :y - 1}) [dec "x]]]
          if :key = "k [
            if :x < 8 [ if (and emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y} emptyp cell "board {:x + 3 :y - 1}) [inc "x]]] if :key = "i [ if (and :y > 2 :x > 1) [
              if (and emptyp cell "board {:x :y}
              emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y}
              emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y - 1}) [
                make "piece "vess]]]
          if :key = "m [make "speed 0]
        sety 100 - :y * 10 setx -60 + :x * 10
        voxeloid 20 10 10 fd 10 sr 10 voxeloid 20 10 10
        if :speed > 0 [trackrender]
        wait :speed
        if (or :y = 20
        not emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}
        not emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y + 1}
        not emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y}) [
          setcell "board {:x :y} fc
          setcell "board {:x + 1 :y} fc
          setcell "board {:x + 1 :y - 1} fc
          setcell "board {:x + 2 :y - 1} fc
          make "dropped true
        else [notrackrender repeat 4 [bt]]
      case "vess [
        make "y :y + 1
        if keyp [
          make "key readchar
          if :key = "j [
            if :x > 2 [
              if (and emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y}
              emptyp cell "board {:x - 2 :y - 1}
              emptyp cell "board {:x - 2 :y - 2}) [dec "x]]]
          if :key = "k [
            if :x < 10 [ if (and emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y} emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y - 1} emptyp cell "board {:x :y - 2}) [inc "x]]] if :key = "i [ if (and :y > 2 :x < 9 not :y = 20) [ if (and emptyp cell "board {:x + 1 :y + 1} emptyp cell "board {:x + 2 :y - 1}) [ make "piece "hess]]] if :key = "m [make "speed 0] clearchar ] sety 100 - :y * 10 setx -60 + :x * 10 voxeloid 10 20 10 fd 10 sl 10 voxeloid 10 20 10 if :speed > 0 [trackrender]
        wait :speed
        if (or :y = 20
        not emptyp cell "board {:x :y + 1}
        not emptyp cell "board {:x - 1 :y}) [
          setcell "board {:x :y} fc
          setcell "board {:x :y - 1} fc
          setcell "board {:x - 1 :y - 1} fc
          setcell "board {:x - 1 :y - 2} fc
          make "dropped true
        else [notrackrender repeat 4 [bt]]
    ;if the game is over, don't bother checking for lines:
    if :gameover [go "gameover]
    ;the following code checks to see if we've made any lines:
    ;turns on rendering the turtle track
    ;we're going to check every column of every row. Every time
    ;we get a 'hit' checking a column, we add up a counter, called
    ;"count. If :count hits 10, then we've made a line:
    repeat 20 [
      make "count 0
      repeat 10 [
        if not emptyp cell "board {repcount repabove 1} [inc "count]
      ;repabove 1 returns the loop value of the repeat loop above
      ;the current repeat loop. repabove 2 returns the loop count
      ;above that, and so on
      ;if we've made a line, we need to shuffle every line above
      ;it down one, in order to remove it:
      if :count = 10 [
        inc "score
        (print "Score: :score)
        ;increase the player's score by one and display the score
        repeat repcount - 1 [
          repeat 10 [
            (setcell "board {repcount (repabove 2) - (repabove 1) + 1}
            cell "board {repcount (repabove 2) - (repabove 1)})
        ;we need to remember to clear the line at the top:
        repeat 10 [setcell "board {repcount 1} empty]
        ;now we need to redraw the playfield to match the table:
        setfc 7
        setpos [-60 -110]
        voxeloid 10 210 10
        voxeloid 120 10 10
        setpos [50 -110]
        voxeloid 10 210 10
        ;draw the border
        ;we iterate through the table and if there's a color
        ;recorded in the specific cell, we create a matching
        repeat 20 [
          repeat 10 [
            setx -60 + 10 * repcount
            sety 100 - 10 * repabove 1
            if not emptyp cell "board {repcount repabove 1} [
              setfc cell "board {repcount repabove 1} voxel 10]
    label "gameover
  ;game over, man... game over!
  print |Game Over!|


Example: Invasion (3D Space Invaders Clone)

Check out this simple space invaders clone, featuring 3D UFO’s and UFO and player movement. This runs well on both the application and in the web version using modest hardware.

Rather than using hatchlings each with its own thread (worker), Invasion creates 15 static turtles representing each UFO, then iterates through moving them using the main (Myrtle) worker, more like a conventional single-threaded application would.

One procedure is used to generate randomly-colored UFO models, which are then assigned to each UFO turtle. The UFO turtles move in a 3D pattern created by ‘rolling’ them (rotating them on the Z axis), moving them left or right using slideleft and slideright, and raising and lowering them (using raise and lower) – a great exploration of 3D movement in turtleSpaces.

The code is commented and follows below. It’s also available inside the WebIDE under the menu FIle -> Browse Published…


TO game
  ;invasion is a simple space invaders clone with a 3D twist
  ;reset the workspace and release the non-standard turtles (ufos)
  ;draw a starfield using the stars turtle
  ;don't click keys
  ;don't pause on audio playback
  snappy:newworker [
    pullout 100
    forever [
      repeat 45 [orbitleft 1 wait 5]
      repeat 90 [orbitright 1 wait 5]
      repeat 45 [orbitleft 1 wait 5]
      repeat 45 [orbitup 1 wait 5]
      repeat 90 [orbitdown 1 wait 5]
      repeat 45 [orbitup 1 wait 5]
  ;create a new 'worker' to move the camera around the scene
  ;independently of other activity
  make "fleet []
  share "fleet
  ;the fleet container holds the list of UFO turtle names
  ;it needs to be shared so all the UFO turtles can edit it
  make "score 0
  share "score
  ;the score cotnainer holds the score, the number of UFOs destroyed
  ;the UFOs themselves increment the score, and so it must be shared
  repeat 3 [
    repeat 5 [
      newtu word repcount repabove 1
      ;create a new turtle with the name column + row
      ;note: newtu is NOT the same as newturtle, newturtle is a
      ;declaration used in the workspace file (this), while newtu
      ;creates a new turtle during execution and selects it
      ;(we should change its name to instatiate?)
      ;create its UFO model
      queue turtle "fleet
      ;add the turtle name to the fleet container
      make "shootcount 0
      ;reset its shootcounter to 0
      ;don't draw anything!
      setposition {-225 + repcount * 75 -25 + (repabove 1) * 50}
      ;set its position based on its row and column number
      ;curly braces indicate a 'soft list', a list that is evaluated
      ;at runtime. repabove gets the loop count of the repeat enclosing
      ;the current repeat
      ;show the UFO
  ;create three rows of 5 UFOs each
  setturtle myrtle
  ;reselect myrtle
  setmodel "spaceship
  ;change myrtle's model to the built-in spaceship model
  setmodelscale 2
  ;set the model's scale (size) to a factor of 2
  penup back 150
  ;position Myrtle
  newworker [
    forever [
      ;run the movefleet procedure
      toot 200 + random 1000 2
      ;make a random beep
      wait 10
  ;create a new 'worker' to move the UFOs 'forever'
  make "delay 0
  ;stores the delay between player shots
  forever [
    if :delay > 0 [dec "delay]
    ;decrease the delay value by one, if it is above zero
    if keyp [
      ;if a key has been pressed:
      make "key uppercase readchar
      ;store the uppercase value of the key in the key container
      switch "key
      ;use the value of the key value for the following case comparisons:
      case "J [repeat 10 [repeat 10 [sl .1]]]
      case "K [repeat 10 [repeat 10 [sr .1]]]
      case "I [repeat 10 [repeat 10 [ra .1]]]
      case "M [repeat 10 [repeat 10 [lo .1]]]
      ;move Myrtle as required
      case "A [
        ;should I shoot?
        if :delay = 0 [
          ;yes, I should shoot!
          ;we're going to 'hatch' a missile BUT if we just
          ;do that, our detection routine will think we've been shot.
          ;to work around this, we're going to stop rendering our
          ;spaceship while we launch our missile from a position
          ;slghtly forward of our current position.
          ;don't render this turtle's graphics
          forward 31
          ;update the state of the turtle. This is usually done while
          ;rendering, so we need to do this manually while rendering is
          hatch [
            repeat 300 [fd 1]
          ;hatch our 'missile', which goes forward 300 steps and then 'dies'
          back 31
          ;move back to where we were before
          ;turn track rendering back on
          playsound "pew
          ;play a 'pew' sound
          make "delay 20
          ;set the delay container to 20, which causes us to have to wait
          ;before firing again
    if nearp 30 [
      ;check to see if we've been hit. If we have:
      playsound "explosion
      print |Boom! Game over!|
      repeat 50 [
        icosphere repcount
        wait 1
      ;explosion animation
      clean finish
      ;finish stops all execution
    wait 1
    ;wait 1/60ths of a second between loops
  ;do it again

TO movefleet
  ;this procedure moves the UFOs
  if :fleet = emptylist [
    ;if there are no UFOs left:
    print |Great work!|
    playsound "applause
    wait 120
  foreach "ufo :fleet [
    ;for each of the UFOs remaining:
    setturtle :ufo
    ;select the ufo turtle
    rollright 10
    ;roll right 10 degrees
    if 1 = last :ufo [slideright 5]
    if 1 = first :ufo [lower 5]
    if 2 = last :ufo [slideleft 5]
    if 2 = first :ufo [raise 5]
    if 3 = last :ufo [slideright 5]
    if 3 = first :ufo [lower 5]
    ;do a merry dance
    if :shootcount > 0 [dec "shootcount]
    if and 1 = random 20 :shootcount = 0 [
      make "shootcount 20
      hatch [
        right 180 showturtle
        repeat 300 [fd 1 rr 1]
    foreach "i near position 50 [
      if "m = second :i [ht
        newworker [repeat 50 [ico repcount wait 1] clean]
        make "fleet without turtle :fleet
        ;remove ufo turtle from fleet list
        inc "score (print |Score:| :score)
        ;increase the score and tell the user
        playsound "explosion
        ;play an 'explosion' sound
        myrtle:try [halt hatchlingworker :i] []
        ;stop the missle that shot me (if it still exists)
    ;you got me!
  tu myrtle
  ;reselect Myrtle



TO makemodel
  ;make the UFO model for the calling turtle
  begintag turtle
  newmodel word "ufo turtle turtle
  ;this applies only to the calling turtle
  setmodel word "ufo turtle

TO makeufo
  ;create the UFO itself
  make "sides 3 + random 6
  down 90
  rollright 180
  torus 10 25 3 :sides
  ;make the outer ring
  switch {fc}
  case 1 [setfc 9]
  case 2 [setfc 7]
  case 3 [setfc 11]
  case 4 [setfc 12]
  case 5 [setfc 10]
  case 6 [setfc 2]
  case 7 [setfc 6]
  case 8 [setfc 13]
  case 9 [setfc 1]
  case 10 [setfc 15]
  case 11 [setfc 3]
  case 12 [setfc 14]
  case 13 [setfc 8]
  case 14 [setfc 12]
  case 15 [setfc 5]
  ; select a complementary fill color
  dome 25 3 :sides
  ;make the top dome
  polyspot 25 :sides
  ;make the bottom spot


TO drawstars
  ;draw the starfield
  repeat 100 [
    ;do 100 times:
    ;go home
    ;pick a random vector orientation
    forward 1000 + random 1000
    up 90
    spot 5 + random 10
    ;create a randomly colored 'star'



Random Sine Wave Flowers Made With turtleSpaces Logo

This simple yet attention-grabbing Logo procedure is a real visual treat, creating random three-dimensional ‘flowers’ based on the sine function. This could spice up a math class or just provide a brief introduction to sine waves in general.

The procedure makes use of the move primitive, which allows the turtle to move based on an arbitrary number of degrees away from its current heading, on the X and Y planes. When combined with the sine function, it produces these interesting ‘natural’ 3D designs.

Live model view – click and drag to rotate
TO randomflower
  clearscreen randompencolor
  ;clear the screen and select a random
  ;pen color
  dountil and 200 < abs (:x - :y) 200 < abs (:y - :x) [
    make "x random 2000 make "y random 2000
  ;set :x and :y containers to a random value between 0 and 2000
  ;BUT make sure they aren't within 200 of each other.
  ;The results in that range aren't aesthetically pleasing.
  repeat 3600 [
    ;we move down a tenth of a degree each iteration, so to form
    ;a complete 'circle' we need 3600 repetitions.
    move 0.5 {:x * sin repcount :y * sin repcount}
    ;the move primitive takes a number of turtle steps as its
    ;first argument, and then either a single degree value (X)
    ;or a list of two values (X and Y), which turn the turtle
    ;the specified number of degrees on each plane.
    ;In the case of this example, we're passing a multiple of
    ;:x and :y based on the sine of the current interation
    ;(repcount). This produces the 'flower' effect.
    down 0.1

You could put a wait into the loop so that students can see the process a bit more clearly.

Don’t forget that you can click and drag the view to orbit around the model, click with both buttons and drag to ‘pan’ the orbit point, and use the mouse wheel (or right-click and drag up and down) to zoom in and out.

Children can pick their favourites and share them with the class!

This is the flower listing as seen in the turtleSpaces application editor

PS Adding the following two lines into the repeat 3600 loop can add a little ‘pizzaz’ in the form of frags, ‘fragments’ (think of a broken mirror) or triangles made of three arbitrary points. The frag primitive creates a triangle from the last three points the turtle has stopped at, while pin and pinfrag drop ‘pins’ at points you choose and generate triangles from the last three of those pin points respectively. When combined with the sine flower procedure they add a bit of ornamentation. Just remember to setfillcolor!

    if 0 = remainder repcount 10 [pin] 
    if 0 = remainder repcount 30 [pinfrag]

Thanks for reading! Please let us know how you go at integrating turtleSpaces into your classroom’s studies. E-mail us at 

Simple Hexagon Pattern

Here is a simple Logo project to get started with. It creates a colorful filled hexagon pattern using the polyspot primitive.

The hexagon pattern zoomed out

TO hex
  clearscreen penup
  ;not drawing lines
  repeat 10 [
    ;do all of the following ten times
    setpos [-149 -270]
    ;sets the 2D turtle position (on the current Z plane)
    ;you can use setposition to set all three co-ordinates
    forward repcount * 34
    ;positions the turtle to start the line
    ;you could use some math with setpos to accomplish this
    ;choose a random fill color
    polyspot 20 6
    ;make a filled polygon of size 20, with 6 sides
    repeat 10 [
      ;make ten more polygons
      slideright 30
      forward 17
      ;randfc is the short form of randomfillcolor
      polyspot 20 6]
    ;return to the start of the loop

A turtleSpaces (app) screenshot of the editor

The hexagon pattern viewed from a different 3D angle

Example: My Gosh, It’s Full of Stars!

Open in turtleSpaces IDE
Run starscape to create a galaxy of randomly-shaped and colored stars.

TO star :radius :points :size :filled
  ;takes number number number boolean (true or false)
  ;eg star 10 9 40 false
  ;or star 20 5 50 true
  pu dropanchor tether
  ;pull up the turtle pen, drop the 'anchor' to set the 'anchor point' to the current position, and do not change it if the turtle's rotation changes (tether)
  ;the anchor point is the point the orbit primitives orbit around
  if :filled [polyspot :radius :points * 2
    if oddp :points [rt 360 / :points / 4]]
  ;if creating a filled star, create a polygon to fill in the center
  ;if the star has an odd number of points, we need to turn a little
  pullout :radius
  ;pull out from the anchor point, which is currently the turtle's position
  repeat :points [
    ;repeat once for each point:
    pu make "position position
    ;set the :position container to the current turtle position
    orbitleft 360 / :points / 2
    ;orbit around the anchor point (in this case the center) to the left
    ;a fraction of 360 degrees divided by the number of points divided by 2
    pullout :size
    ;pull the turtle out from the center of the star (anchor point)
    setvectors direction :position
    ;point the turtle toward the previous position
    if not :filled [pd line distance position :position]
    ;if not making a filled star, create a line in front of the turtle of
    ;the length required for its end to be the previous turtle position.
    if :filled [frag]
    ;if creating a filled star, create a 'fragment' based on the last three
    ;turtle positions
    pu make "position position
    ;set the :position container to the current position
    pullin :size
    ;pull the turtle in toward the center of the star (anchor point)
    orbitleft 360 / :points / 2
    ;orbit to the left again a similar amound to the last orbitleft
    setvectors direction :position
    ;point toward the previous position
    if not :filled [pd line distance position :position]
    ;create a line if not a filled star similarly to the previous line
    if :filled [frag]
    ;create a fragment if a filled star similarly to the previous frag

TO starscape
  reset ht snappy:setposition [0 0 0] snappy:dropanchor repeat 200 [pu home randvec fd 1000 + random 1000 up 90 snappy:setvectors direction myrtle:position randfc randpc randps randfs star 10 + random 100 3 + random 20 10 + random 90 randbool]

Example: It’s Turtles All The Way Down!

In turtleSpaces, you can ‘stamp’ the current model, leaving a copy of it in the current position. This can be useful in some circumstances, to create artworks made out of more sophisticated models. In the case of this example, we’re going to use the default ‘myrtle’ turtle model to create a descending spiral of turtles.

If you change the colors in the default palette using the definecolor primitive, then those colors are also used to render the turtle model, and by extension the stamp. And so, if we ‘cycle’ the colors, shifting their RGB values from one palette slot to the next, we can create a rotating series of differently-colored turtles.

Note: For reasons, colors 0 (black) and 15 (white) cannot be redefined. But there are 1-14 and 16-63 to play with, which is plenty!

For aesthetic reasons, we want a certain turtle to have the default colors, so we need to add an offset to some of the calculations to make that happen. Finally, we need to position Snappy (the camera or view turtle) in a certain position to get the view we want. Because this involved a fair amount of manual fiddling, I’ve just inserted the position and vectors into the listing to reproduce Snappy’s position and orientation.

Finally, to make the spiral we’re going to use the orbit commands, which rotate the turtle around an ‘anchor point’. The tether primitive allows us to turn the turtle away from the anchor point, which would normally move the anchor point but does not if tether is called. We descend a little each time we move, creating a downward spiral.

TO turtlesallthewaydown

  snappy:setposition [-0.0567188571145 -41.2097873969 -9.14256453631]
  snappy:setvectors [
    [0.0177688320245 0.192937058466 -0.981050233209]
    [-0.00350577343795 0.981211134942 0.192905205264]
    [0.999835975629 1.16396598173E-05 0.0181113694522]
  ;position Snappy where we want him to reproduce the image
  make "defaultcols colors
  ;make a copy of the default color palette
  penup dropanchor
  pullout 50 tether
  ;we want 'orbit' in a circle
  left 90 orbitright 39
  ;because we tethered, we can point away
  ;then orbit around the anchor point
  repeat 800 [
    setfillshade -5 + repcount / 20
    ;set the shade of the fill color, the color used
    ;to create the voxels that make up the turtle, amongst others
    make "offset remainder repcount + 11 14
    ;why +11? So we get the default turtle colors in the right place!
    repeat 14 [
      definecolor repcount item 2 + remainder (:offset + repcount) 14 :defaultcols
      ;shuffle the color palette. We need to start at item 2 because 1 is black
      ;(item is 1-based, whereas definecolor is 0-based -- 0 being black)
    stamp "myrtle
    ;make a copy of myrtle in the current position
    orbitleft 22.95 lower 1


If you replace stamp “myrtle with stamp “astronaut, and before it add a setmodelscale 0.5, like this:

setmodelscale 0.5 stamp "astronaut

you get:

If you change the “astronaut in stamp “astronaut to stamp pick [astronaut spaceship plane] like so:

setmodelscale 0.5 stamp pick [astronaut spaceship plane]

you’ll get:

One-A-Day: Qtips

Today’s example is short but sweet. It creates a design made out of a bunch of qtip-like ‘sticks’ with balls on the ends.

It is a design made out of ‘almost squares’ (four sides each at an 85 degree angle to each other). The turtle then turns right 5 degrees, and slides left 20 before continuing to the next almost-square.

Each side of the almost-square is coloured based on its iteration in the almost-square loop, and the fill colour of the balls is set to match. Also, each iteration is raised an amount relative to its iteration, creating a pleasing 3D effect.

Click here to open the project in the viewer or open it in the webLogo IDE

TO qtips
  repeat 24 [
    repeat 4 [
      setz repcount * 3 
      ;raise up the turtle based on the loop count
      setpencolor 10 + repcount
      ;set the pen color based on the loop count
      setfillcolor pencolor 
      ;for the spheres
      icosphere 2 
      rope 100 
      ;a rope is a cylinder-based line
      icosphere 2 
      right 85
    right 5 
    slideleft 20 

Logo Fireworks

This Logo program uses hatchlings to create simple 2D fireworks. The turtle’s model is changed into an icosphere to simulate a launching firework, and then more hatchlings are used to create the starburst. The trails are merged back into the main turtle ‘track’ and the hatchlings are terminated, leaving the rendered drawing on-screen at the conclusion of the program.

Read through the code (and pay particular attention to the ;comments) to see how the program works. It is made up of two procedures: fireworks, and burst.

TO fireworks
  ;simple 2D fireworks
  repeat 5 + random 10 [
    ;launch at least 5 but not more
    ;than 14 fireworks
    ;pull up the turtle's pen
    ;return to [0 0 0]
    raise repcount
    ;raise the turtle so its lines
    ;don't overlap
    sety -100
    ;set the turtle's y position to
    hatch [left -60 + random 121 burst]
    ;hatch a new turtle, turn that
    ;turtle left some random value
    ;between -60 (same as right 60)
    ;and 60 degrees, then execute the
    ;burst procedure
    wait 30 + random 31
    ;wait between one half and one
    ;second before launching the next
  ;repeat until all fireworks launched

TO burst
  ;a single firework 'burst'
  ;originally called 'firwork' but
  ;that was a little confusing!
  penup hideturtle
  newmodel "firework [icosphere 1]
  setmodel "firework
  ;create and use a simple model
  ;made from a single icosphere
  ;set a random fill color
  ;models inherit the fill color
  ;if not otherwise set inside
  ;the model
  repeat 100 + random 601 [
    ;travel between 200 and 700
    ;turtle steps
    forward 1 - 0.002 * repcount
    ;move forward 1 step minus
    ;a fraction based on the current
    ;loop iteration. This has the
    ;effect of slowing us down
    ;over time (reduce velocity)
    sety ypos - 0.0005 * repcount
    ;change the y position of the
    ;turtle a fraction based on the
    ;current loop iteration, simulating
    ;very simple gravity
    sleep 2
    ;take a little nap
  ;repeat until finished travelling
  setpencolor fillcolor
  ;set the pen color to the fill color
  repeat 20 + random 21 [
    ;create between 20 and 40 fragments
    raise 0.01
    ;ensures seperation between
    ;overlapping lines
    hatch [
      ;draw lines
      right random 360
      ;turn right between 0 and 359
      make "steps 30 + random 71
      repeat :steps [
        ;travel between 30 and 100
        ;turtle steps
        ;setpenshade -15 + repcount / 5
        setpenshade -15 + 30 * (repcount / :steps)
        ;set the pen shade based on the
        ;loop iterations
        fd 1 - 0.002 * repcount
        ;move forward minus "drag"
        sety ypos - 0.01 * repcount
        ;apply fake gravity
      ;merge the hatchling's track
      ;(output) into the track of its
      ;permanent ancestor, in this case
    ;done with hatchling
  ;repeat until finished

turtleArt Thumbtack String Corkboard

This commented Logo source code creates a thumbtack, a cork board, and then draws random string art using them.

Read the ;comments to learn more about what the primitives do and what their shortcuts are.

Try some of the primitives out in turtleSpaces interactive mode (the myrtle prompt) and see what they do!

You can drag-select the source code and then paste it into the turtleSpaces editor (which you enter by typing ed and Enter or pressing control-shift-E) using control-shift-V (paste)

Then exit back to interactive mode using control-shift-O (save) and then type stringart and Enter to execute it.

Change elements of the code and see what happens!

TO tack
  ;create a thumbtack, or pushpin
  setfillcolor pick without 5 without 10 range [1 15]
  ;pick a number between 1 and 15 except 5 and 10
  cylinder 4 2 20
  ;cylinder takes width depth sides
  lower 2
  ;lowers the turtle eg moves beneath it
  cutcone 2 3 7 20
  ;cutcone takes topwidth bottomwidth depth sides
  lo 7
  ;lo is shortcut for lower
  cylinder 4 2 20
  lo 2
  setfc pick [5 10]
  ;setfc is shortcut for setfillcolor, the color
  ;used for painting shapes
  cylinder 1 5 8
  lo 5
  cone 1 1 8
  raise 16
  ;raises the turtle, eg moves above it
  ;all done!

TO corkboard
  ;create a corkboard to push our pins into
  setpos [-205 -116]
  setfillcolor 8 setfillshade -4
  ;setfillshade takes a range of -15 to 15
  forward 5 lo 3 slideright 5
  voxeloid 400 222 4
  ;voxeloid takes width height depth
  ;this creates the surface of our corkboard
  slideleft 5 ra 3 back 5
  setfs 6
  ; setfs is shortcut for setfillshade
  voxeloid 10 232 10
  ;this and subsequent voxeloids
  ;create the frame
  right 90
  sl 10
  ;sl is shortcut for slideleft
  voxeloid 10 410 10
  fd 400
  ;fd is shortcut for forward
  left 90
  bk 10
  ;bk is shortcut for back
  voxeloid 10 232 10
  fd 222 lt 90 bk 10
  ;lt is shortcut for left
  voxeloid 10 410 10
  ;that's all folks!

TO stringart
  ;resets the workspace
  snappy:run pick [
    [pullout 10]
    [pullout 30 orbitdown 70]
    [orbitleft 20 orbitdown 45 rollright 10 pullout 60 rr 10 sl 25 lo 40]
    ;rr is shortcut for rollright
    [orbitright 20 orbitdown 45 rollleft 10 pullout 60 rl 10 sr 25 lo 40]
    ;rl is shortcut for rollleft
  ;pick a camera sequence and execute it as
  ;snappy, the camera turtle
  ;if we need snappy to do more sophisticated
  ;things, we can store procedures inside him
  ;logo is all about having the freedom to do
  ;things in multiple ways!
  setpenwidth 1 + random 5
  ;sets the 'width' of the pen, from 1 to 5
  ;randps and randfs (aka randompenshade and randomfillshade)
  ;set a random shade between -12 and 12
  ;execute corkboard procedure
  repeat 20 + random 20  [
    ;do the following 20 + 0-19 times:
    ;shortcut for randompencolor
    setpos {-190 + random 380 -100 + random 200}
    ;move to a random position
    ;pu is shortcut for penup
    ;save the turtle state on the 'stack'
    ;you can have multiple states on the stack
    raise 10 + random 4 up -10 + random 20 rr -10 + random 20
    ;move into a semi-random position
    ;to give our tacks a more natural-looking
    ;moving in negative values moves the opposite
    ;direction, eg left -90 turns right 90 degrees
    ;execute tack procedure
    ;(create a tack)
    ;load the turtle state from the 'stack'
    ;this puts it back where and how it was when
    ;we pushed it
    ;pd is shortcut for pendown
    ;this will cause us to create a line to the
    ;next random position
  ;repeat the above however many times
  ;specified by 20 + random 20
  ;ta da!
  ;for extra credit, get some tacks, a corkboard, and some
  ;colored string and make some string art of your own!
  ;consider the angles the turtle would need to turn to travel
  ;along the line of string created between all the pins
  ;were the turtle to travel the string like driving
  ;down a road


Solar System Simulation

This Solar System simulation features the ability to add orbiting moons to the planets, a few of which are already defined. It is not entirely to scale (the planets are larger than they are in reality).

Use the scrollwheel or finger-scroll to zoom in and out, and drag the mouse to rotate around the sun!

TO solarsystem
  cam:pullin 100
  ;pull in the camera turtle
  ;make a starfield in the distance:
  setfillcolor 5
  repeat 200 [
    home randomvectors
    forward 2500 + random 100
    up 90
    spot 1 + random 5
  ;define planetary parameter lists:
  make "distance [0 39 72 100 152 520 953 1918 3006 3953]
  ;the distance of the planets from the sun in 100ths of an AU
  ;The first value is the sun itself, which is at the home position
  make "size [100 3 7.5 7.9 4.2 88.7 74.6 32.6 30.2 1.41]
  ;the planets are in scale relative to each other but not the sun,
  ;which is much larger than the value we have given it here
  make "color [13 8 9 7 1 14 11 7 2 10]
  ;each planet's color (and the sun)
  make "tilt [0 7 3.3 0 1.85 1.31 2.49 0.77 1.77 17.14]
  ;ecliptical tilt
  make "speed [0 4.1 1.62 1 0.53 0.084 0.034 0.011 0.006 0.004]
  ;speed of orbit
  ;define moons:
  make "moon [0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0]
  ;how many moons?
  make "mooncolor [[][][][5][8 9][][][][][]]
  make "moondistance [[][][][3][2 3][][][][][]]
  make "moonsize [[][][][2.1][1.12 0.62][][][][][]]
  make "moontilt [[][][][0][1 2][][][][][]]
  make "moonspeed [[][][][30][40 30][][][][][]]
  ;moon parameters, similar to planets
  ;only earth and mars are populated here,
  ;add the others as you like!
  ;create the sun and planets:
  repeat 10 [
    make "planet repcount
    ;store the current planet for use inside hatch
    newmodel repcount {"setfc item :planet :color "ico 0.1 * item :planet :size}
    ;create a new turtle model using the data from the :color and :size lists
    ;we use a 'soft list' {} to create 'hard data' for use by newmodel
    ;as the turtle model is rendered each frame
    hatch [
      ;create a new hatchling
      setmodel :planet
      ;set the turtle model
      ;set the orbit (anchor) point to the current position
      pullout 0.5 * item :planet :distance
      ;pull away from the anchor the distance specified in the :distance list
      orbitright random 360
      ;orbit around a random amount
      orbitup item :planet :tilt
      ;orbit up (tilt) the amount specified in the :tilt list
      ;hatchlings are not visible by default
      if 0 < item :planet :moon [ ;are there any moons? foreach "moon item :planet :mooncolor [ ;for each moon, let's create it the same way we did planets: make "moonnumber loopcount make "moonmodel word :planet loopcount newmodel :moonmodel {"setfc :moon "ico 0.1 * item :moonnumber item :planet :moonsize} make "parent turtle ;define the 'parent' turtle for use by the moon hatchling hatch [ ;hatch the moon setmodel :moonmodel dropanchor right random 360 pullout item :moonnumber item :planet :moondistance orbitup item :moonnumber item :planet :moontilt showturtle forever [ fixate query :parent [position] ;keep 'fixated' (look at and set the anchor point to) ;the parent turtle's position. if orbitdistance > item :moonnumber item :planet :moondistance [
                pullin orbitdistance - (item :moonnumber item :planet :moondistance)
              ;if it's getting away from us, try and catch up!
              orbitright 0.1 * item :moonnumber item :planet :moonspeed
              ;orbit the planet based on the :moonspeed
              sleep 6.25
              ;take a little nap
      forever [
        orbitright 0.05 * item :planet :speed
        sleep 25
      ;orbit the sun (we're back to the planet now) based on the value
      ;from the :speed list. Then take a little nap (wait 1)
  ;hide Myrtle, although she would be sitting in the sun