Simple Hexagon Pattern

Here is a simple Logo project to get started with. It creates a colorful filled hexagon pattern using the polyspot primitive.

The hexagon pattern zoomed out

TO hex
  clearscreen penup
  ;not drawing lines
  repeat 10 [
    ;do all of the following ten times
    setpos [-149 -270]
    ;sets the 2D turtle position (on the current Z plane)
    ;you can use setposition to set all three co-ordinates
    forward repcount * 34
    ;positions the turtle to start the line
    ;you could use some math with setpos to accomplish this
    ;choose a random fill color
    polyspot 20 6
    ;make a filled polygon of size 20, with 6 sides
    repeat 10 [
      ;make ten more polygons
      slideright 30
      forward 17
      ;randfc is the short form of randomfillcolor
      polyspot 20 6]
    ;return to the start of the loop

A turtleSpaces (app) screenshot of the editor

The hexagon pattern viewed from a different 3D angle